Call 1-888-313-2842

Centurian Exterminators
is one of Florida’s Most Trusted Wildlife Removal Sources!

We specialize in: Raccoon Removal, Rodent Control, Rat Trapping, animal removal, Bird Control, Bat Removal, Rat Trapping, Squirrel Control, snake Removal, Critter Control, Opossum Removal, Dead Animal Removal, Armadillo Control, And So much More! We provide full-service nuisance animal removal and wildlife control for our customers, both commercial and residential. If you ever have any questions, comments, concerns, or even just need help. Always feel free to give us a call, we are 24/7 and always answer our phones for any and all emergency services!

Toll Free: 1-888-313-2842 | Office: 1-321-236-9031

Email: | Address: 2903 W New Haven Ave Melbourne FL 32904

For an Animal Removal Inspection
give us a call at 1-321-236-9031. Not many Florida pest control companies are properly trained or licensed and insured for wildlife and animal removal, this is completely different then pest control and requires a different skill set. We are professionals, specializing in nuisance animal removal. Make sure that you hire a wildlife expert for your Florida extermination and control of nuisance wildlife.